посты Англ
2020-08-04 13:23

Ilya Mikhalchuk Elected as a President of the National Garlic Union

Former Governor of the Arkhangelsk region Ilya Mikhalchuk became the President of the National Garlic Union, 29.ru reports. The position held by Ilya Mikhalchuk is confirmed by the information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The founders of the National Garlic Union are Ilya Mikhalchuk, as well as his sons Dmitry Mikhalchuk, the head of Farm Garlic OOO, and Aleksandr Mikhalchuk, the general director of North Wind, Sergey Bogomolov, the founder of Agrokhim OOO, and Oleg Ivanov, whose companies are engaged in wholesale trade of food, seafood, tobacco, and plastic products.

Founded in 2017, the National Garlic Union, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, should become "an effective form of interaction and mutual assistance to specialized agricultural enterprises, including for the promotion of Russian garlic on the shelves of Federal retail chains." A roadmap with infrastructure, financial, technological and other proposals to increase the volume of garlic production in the country is planned to be developed.

Link to the main article on Rambler News.