посты Англ
2020-08-04 13:20

The National Garlic Union Convention in Rostov-on-Don

Recent years saw a rising interest in garlic among the Don agricultural producers, with the aim of replacing garlic from China with selected Russian garlic.

At the National Garlic Union convention, the Don farmers, together with colleagues from Krasnodar Krai, Belgorod and Volgograd regions, discussed the strategy for developing the production of domestic garlic crops. Within the framework of the thematic round table, farmers shared experience, discussed issues of selection, talked about the economic component of growing crops, and import substitution.

President of the National Garlic Union, Ilya Mikhalchuk, noted that the Rostov region was chosen as one of the pilot projects for the development of garlic culture, based on the great attention to the industry by the Governor, and the Ministry of Agriculture, and, most importantly, the desire of farmers to work in the industry of growing garlic crops.

Russian garlic in the Rostov region is now, as elsewhere, grown mainly in garden and household plots. However, over the past five years, the area of garlic crops in the category of peasant farms on the Don has grown almost 30 times - from six to 175 hectares, 38 hectares of garlic crops are cultivated by agricultural enterprises.

Farmers are sure that the Rostov region is rightfully called the breadbasket of Russia, and in the very near future, in all corners of the country, housewives will please their loved ones with delicious pickles, seasoned with spicy garlic, grown on the Don.

More information about the second National Garlic Union convention can be found here.