посты Англ

Letter by the National Garlic Union


Today, after the coronavirus, after the collapse of oil and gas prices, after the sanctions and self-isolation of people and countries, we are already different, and we can no longer live the old way, hoping that we will be fed by imports, mainly by China! No, we can only be sure of ourselves, our Land, and our work!

I do not appeal to those who work on land and who need to be convinced of their abilities. I appeal to officials of all branches and levels of government, and urge them to turn to those who feed the Russian people! Import substitution should turn from a fashionable rhetoric to a unifying idea!

Ourselves, the government, science, industry, and banks must help agricultural sector with everything necessary to ensure that the land works and people return to the countryside, seeing prospects, normal living conditions, modern agricultural equipment, technology, and the demand for everything that is produced. Our common goal is to restore the former glory of the Russian farmers and ensure the food security of our country!

And let our products be more expensive and harder to produce, process and deliver to the table, but this is our own – native, healthy and feeds us and our native villagers. This is the only way we can stop the capital outflow and feed our country and not only large companies, but also smaller farms and household plots.
Garlic is no exception – it should be raised; help and pay must go to those who work on the land, and not waiting for handouts from the outside!